And safety comes first.

Tuesday, November 14

Sick and Paranoid

Several people were asking about me yesterday when I was absent from work.

I was sick at home--where did you think I was? Shopping at my local grocery store for steel cut oats to feed my new pony at my ranch nine hours away in Arizona? Uh, no, my pony does not have a name because there is no pony! Ponies only exist in science fiction. And Arizona's not real either.


Anonymous said...

Wait, so, I'm confused. My fuzzy little Shetland named Princess was an alien?

Aw crap. I guess I should have figured, when her name was "Princess." I mean -- who names a pony Princess anyway? Or Patches? Or Trigger?

Sylvia C. said...

Hello, alien-harboring reader. Are you writing to us today from Arizona?

Anonymous said...

a colder, snowier version of Arizona, yes. Perhaps Minneapolis only exists in science fiction as well? I sure hope so.

Sylvia C. said...

If Minneapolis were featured in a sci-fi book or movie, I'd fall asleep. HA! Just kidding.

Anonymous said...

I would too. Actually, that would explain a lot about my life here.